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Text based graphic featuring light blue woodblock lettering on a slightly darker hued background. Over the image are three white rectangle outlines. The central image is a black Poster House membership card.

Members-Only Viewing

Thursday, Nov 19, 2020

Forget about boring museum tours! Our Chief Curator is known for her relatable, funny anecdotes and casual style. Join her on an introduction to our first mini-exhibition dedicated to Amos Kennedy, as well as a tour of our permanent Poster History Timeline where she’ll dispel poster myths, share hot poster gossip, and give you a new appreciation for the wild world of posters.

Questions and fabulous attire are encouraged!

We will be taking temperatures of all guests upon arrival, and requiring masks and social distancing throughout the event. In order to ensure proper social distancing, we will also be providing headsets with disposable earbuds.

This viewing is free and members-only.

Angelina Lippert
is the Chief Curator of Poster House in New York City, the first museum in the United States dedicated to the history of the poster. She holds an MA in the art of the Russian Avant-Garde from the Courtauld Institute of Art in London, and a BA in theology and art history from Smith College. She is the author of The Art Deco Poster, and has lectured at SVA, The Cooper Union, Columbia University, and The Sotheby’s Institute of Art. She is also a contributing writer to The Muse by the Clio Awards, where she focuses on the history of advertising design. She is on the Board of Directors of the Ephemera Society of America, and is an editor for Vintage Poster magazine.